How many discrepancies are there between “Captain Sully” and the real US Airways Flight 1549 accident?

Movies based on true stories can be considered a genre in the film industry. Just like action movies, science fiction movies, movies adapted from true stories should also need a short label. But movies have their own entertainment and drama attributes, so movies as popular art, even if the events that happened in reality are exaggerated, still need to add some adaptations to make the movie more audience-friendly.

Captain Sally” is a film based on the January 15, 2009 US Airways Flight 1549 accident, before talking about the film, we can first understand the film’s strong cast, the director is the famous American decent hardcore Trint Eastwood, shot “The Bridge” and other classic books. The starring role is starring our familiar Tom Hanks, whose work needs no introduction, is a Hollywood evergreen. But in recent years the work is mediocre. And coincidentally, most of them are related to movies based on true stories, such as “Captain Philips” and “Bridge of Spies”.

The film is certainly worth recommending to see, released in the United States to the deadline, was named by some publications as the most critically acclaimed film in recent times, the box office has also climbed, in domestic and international film platform rating is also very high. The film is also felt to be an Oscar seed.

The film is based on the events of Flight 1549, a regular daily domestic passenger flight operated by US Airways from New York City’s LaGuardia Airport to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Washington State. The cockpit crew decided to make a forced landing on the Hudson River after confirming that they could not reach the two nearby airports. The result was that all 155 people on board survived, and the incident was also known as the “Miracle on the Hudson”.

The film has a classical and steady atmosphere, without deliberately trying to sensationalize or show too much action and special effects scenes, to the point, focusing on the aftermath and discussing whether the captain made the best judgment and choice. It also focuses on the game between the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the captain. At the heart of the film is also a discussion of whether Captain Sully’s actions were heroic or a fraud.

Let’s look at the discrepancies between the movie and the real events based on the film’s plot, respectively.

At 3:26 p.m. on January 15, 2009, the plane took off from New York’s LaGuardia Airport. But about a minute after takeoff, the captain reported to the airport control tower that both engines on the plane had been hit by birds and lost power, and requested to turn back to the airport immediately. The airport then instructed Flight 1549 to turn back immediately, but Captain Sali found that he could not turn around and return to the airport, so he prepared to arrange for the airliner to fly to Teterboro Airport in New Jersey for an emergency landing; but then the captain found that the aircraft’s altitude and rate of descent at that time could not allow the airliner to land safely at Teterboro Airport. So the captain decided to avoid densely populated areas and took the risk of letting the plane make an emergency landing on the Hudson River that runs through New York City.

All these are more realistic in the film to be presented, only in the film the plane in the last moment of impact with the river, still can clearly hear the voice of the tower. The real situation in the tower in the captain told the imminent landing in the Hudson River 23 seconds after the loss of contact on the flight. This is a little different from the real.

After the plane landed on the river, due to the impact of too much water caused by the cargo door and the rear door of the plane was knocked open, close to 0 degrees of water instantly into the plane. At this time, the people on the plane to maintain order to let young children or women first off the plane, and then in the river to wait for rescue, in the time waiting for rescue. Everyone stayed in the lifeboat without moving around.

And in the film, a man because he felt that he was quite close to the shore, so he jumped directly into the river to rely on their ability to swim over. But too young too simple . In New York winter winter swimming, is not an easy thing. Another woman also jumped into the water by herself and was finally rescued by a helicopter firefighter. None of this was in the actual incident that happened.

Captain Sully was determined to have been suffering from post-traumatic stress tension cluster disorder for weeks after the accident. Hallucinations and insomnia occurred. Often felt like he was falling downward. The film is shown through a variety of exaggerated special effects to truly restore. The beginning of the film is a nightmare of Captain Sully, the dream is that he wanted to fly back to the ground in accordance with the requirements of the tower airport landing results did not succeed in crashing into the building. And the real situation when Captain Sully did not let this dream. This is only the beginning of the film in order to attract people and do a special effects show.

And in the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) internal investigation, far more tedious and detailed than the film to come. Hate to take out all your files to investigate. But the film in order to increase the drama, slightly set the NTSB as the antithesis of Captain Sully, no more sensibility, all the issues are aggressive, and at the beginning there is determined that Captain Sully forced the plane to land on the river instead of making the passengers more dangerous. In the real situation, the NTSB’s questions to Captain Sali and the co-pilot are justified, and did not deliberately catch Captain Sali’s pigtail or do not recognize Captain Sali’s heroic and calm behavior.

Here science, if an accident occurs, the aircraft can be forced to land on the ground definitely will not choose to force landing in the water. Forced landing in the water must be the next best thing. You can imagine, a wheeled aircraft landing on a specially paved runway good or landing in the soft water good. And after the plane landed in the water, the plane will quickly sink in a few minutes. More importantly, the forced landing on the ground is more convenient for the rescue later. And the time of rescue is to decide the survivors of the golden hour.

In the film at the end of the public hearing, we began to online to see the computer simulation and human simulation of Flight 1549 dual-engine effectiveness of the state, whether it can be successfully forced to land in two close to the ground airport. All get successfully verified can be forced to land in the ground airport. And at this time, Captain Sally began to freak out and said that the plane was hit by the bird immediately after you fly back to the ground, so do not add artificial tension time and consider the reaction time, of course, can successfully fly back to the ground. So the NTSB just added 35 seconds of reaction time, thus verifying that the only forced landing option can only be the Hudson River.

This is the biggest discrepancy between the film and the real situation, because the film sets the NTSB as a hostile party to Captain Sally, so all kinds of imprudent not to consider not to act on the NTSB to highlight the greatness of Captain Sally, but the real situation is that the NTSB has long taken into account the reaction time and human factors, the entire hearing is actually very serious and rational. Of course the real situation NTSB also questioned why the choice of river landing when Captain Sali did not turn on the aircraft water landing device.

Of course, these do not exclude Captain Sully because of this aircraft accident became an American hero.

Overall, the film’s restoration of the real event has been very high. Tom Hanks, in order to show the real-life shyness and calmness of the real captain, in the entire film’s performance on the expressions and movements are not too big ups and downs, to stay the same in response to changes, the focus of the film on the events of the statement and thinking, rather than let the individual performance to preempt. This calm performance approach makes the film have a documentary taste.

Many people will also say after watching the film, people are all survived why so difficult to the captain, in fact, it is because of these strict institutions and serious and unemotional terms and regulations, in order to reduce more disasters in the future to do defense, as well as to increase experience, to make up for the shortcomings.

Questioning itself is often the driving force behind progress and discovery of the truth. This is especially true for an accident.

(The text is original, the information search network and Wikipedia, such as and we have seen some documentary or looking for information there is a discrepancy thanks for correction, of course, if you want to spray please light spray:) the truth is only one, but I am not the party, so I can only try to collect information to restore to everyone)

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