Becoming Jane

I was so excited that I finished “Becoming Jane” and started watching it. As with previous British films, the story does not have many ups and downs, nor is it heart-warming, but the usual quiet life in the countryside, elegant and unobtrusive small English buildings and castles, dazzling country balls and the unique scenery of the British Isles, familiar everything, but Jane fans can be excited for a long time.There is hardly a girl who can refuse Jane Austen, the woman who wrote six love masterpieces in her life but never married, has been followed by more and more women, and these followers have spontaneously set up various organizations, collectively called “Janeite” (Jane fans), and “Becoming Jane” should be classified as “Jane fans”. Becoming Jane can be classified as one of the many daydreams that Janeite fans have about the private life of this woman writer.

Is Austen a “leftover”?Becoming Jane is a very realistic film, and if it is based on Austen’s own writings, then there is no doubt that Austen was a visionary woman who talked about love, marriage and family issues that are still relevant today. And Austen herself deserves to be the originator of the “leftover woman”.The term “leftover girl” is a geBecoming JaneI was so excited that I finished “Becoming Jane” and started watching it. As with previous British films, the story does not have many ups and downs, nor is it heart-warming, but the usual quiet life in the countryside, elegant and unobtrusive small English buildings and castles, dazzling country balls and the unique scenery of the British Isles, familiar everything, but Jane fans can be excited for a long time.There is hardly a girl who can refuse Jane Austen, the woman who wrote six love masterpieces in her life but never married, has been followed by more and more women, and these followers have spontaneously set up various organizations, collectively called “Janeite” (Jane fans), and “Becoming Jane” should be classified as “Jane fans”. Becoming Jane can be classified as one of the many daydreams that Janeite fans have about the private life of this woman writer.Is Austen a “leftover”?Becoming Jane is a very realistic film, and if it is based on Austen’s own writings, then there is no doubt that Austen was a visionary woman who talked about love, marriage and family issues that are still relevant today. And Austen herself deserves to be the originator of the “leftover woman”.The term “leftover girl” is a generic term for “3S girls”, which means Single (single), Senventies (most born in the 1970s), Stuck (stuck). The so-called “leftover girls” can be understood as good-looking, highly educated, thoughtful, individual, principled, tasteful, sensible, emotional, delicate, very self-centered, noble, lonely …… but no boyfriend girl. What about Austen?Her evaluation of herself as a “well-educated country girl” is enough to be her proud capital. The “know-it-alls” of today can shine for a while, not to mention the English countryside of the 19th century? Such a woman, holding the last delicate and noble, independent and fragile soul, always insists on her own pursuit under the worldly gaze.Austen believed that one should have a beautiful love in one’s life, and that love in her heart should be the communication of literature, mutual confession, the sympathy of “Sima Xiangru Zhuo Wenjun”. Obviously, the wooden Wesley could not meet Austin’s requirements, he was always so formal, stepping on Austin when dancing, making a fool of himself when playing ball, and even proposing marriage looked coy, the only thing he could say was his considerable income and the heir to his aunt’s fortune. In the market economy, it is said from time to time that “the literati are always noble”, noble not only in terms of people and things, but also for their own excessive perfection. In front of property and love, Austin still prefers the latter, and in the battle between emotion and reason, reason loses to emotion.And in her feelings for Tom, Austen does not have the happy ending of Elizabeth and Darcy, for the consideration of Tom’s reputation, Austen finally chose to let go. I even secretly used the ending of “Dreams from the Bridge” to design “Becoming Jane”, the white-haired Jane looked at the book written on her own prototype, thinking of that person, those things, did not cry, but the silent inner turmoil …… but the film is very straightforward to arrange a meeting between the two, when it was learned that Tom for his eldest daughter named “Tom”. When we learned that Tom named his eldest daughter “Jane”, we know that Austin never regressed to the lack of love marriage.Because of persistence and faith, Austen preferred to be single rather than bowing to the world, fearing that one moment she would be married to the right man, and the next she would meet the right man, and so she waited and waited and waited and became a “leftover woman.Emotion and reasonEmotion and reason, translated into the vernacular is “true love and money” battle is not only the unique product of the era, you can see such people everywhere around you, some are still loyal to their feelings, I will not rest until I find the person I love; and more are inclined to money, as Austin’s mother said “As Austen’s mother said, “Love is the best thing that can happen to you, but money, cloth, beans and corn are indispensable”.Because of this, the opening paragraph of Pride and Prejudice, “It has become an accepted truth that every rich bachelor always wants to marry a wife. Whenever such a bachelor moves to a new place, the neighbors do not know his temperament and opinions at all, but since such a truth has long been ingrained in people’s minds, they always regard him as a property to which one of their daughters is entitled” is also used in the end of “Becoming Jane”. When I was a child, I thought it was ridiculous at first glance: “Isn’t love free and long live love? In fact, this is an unbreakable truth that has been true for thousands of years, and Austen concluded 190 years ago.What a woman wants to marry is not only a man, but also his property, his career, the sum of all his social relations, and the “right family” is an enduring criterion. Because of these, love is never just a personal matter, about both parents, both social relations.There are always boys who lament that it is not easy to be a man and want to find a good condition, the most basic requirements of the other party is amazingly consistent: a car and a house. Therefore, many boys have figured out that it is better to find a good country girl to get married and forget about it, people have nothing to ask of you, but also from time to time with the eyes of worship worship you, not only no pressure, but also to meet the macho vanity. What about the girl? Not her own willingness to become utilitarian and materialistic, it is the environment to create people. I used to helplessly tell those desperate guys, middle class girls don’t find! The details: lower middle class girls, as they say, naive will only worship you and will not have requirements for you; upper middle class girls can feed themselves, naturally your material requirements will be much smaller; only the middle class girls from childhood to well-off, material life is very good, the desire to follow the rise year by year, she is looking forward to more affluent and even more profligate paper and gold, at least not worse than now, right? So do this kind of girl’s other half, the pressure can be imagined.In turn, these girls are the most anxious group, but also the most likely to fall into the category of “leftover women”. While they are faithful to love, they can’t afford to treat themselves in a materialistic way, as poor couples are always sad.So I have been sighing at the title of the film “Becoming Jane”, and I take it for granted that the screenwriter has seen the reality of materialism and utilitarianism, so he uses such a suggestive literary film to educate people. It’s sad that people who have been educated to the test always like to press a certain definition to one thing. Anyway, this is the title of the film I like, if I could, I want to be Jane, her noble, sincere, passionate, unmoved; her sanity, her faith, her decision for her life. I love her attitude towards true love: true love is never forced by time, money, system or class, let alone life.

neric term for “3S girls”, which means Single (single), Senventies (most born in the 1970s), Stuck (stuck). The so-called “leftover girls” can be understood as good-looking, highly educated, thoughtful, individual, principled, tasteful, sensible, emotional, delicate, very self-centered, noble, lonely …… but no boyfriend girl. What about Austen?Her evaluation of herself as a “well-educated country girl” is enough to be her proud capital. The “know-it-alls” of today can shine for a while, not to mention the English countryside of the 19th century? Such a woman, holding the last delicate and noble, independent and fragile soul, always insists on her own pursuit under the worldly gaze.Austen believed that one should have a beautiful love in one’s life, and that love in her heart should be the communication of literature, mutual confession, the sympathy of “Sima Xiangru Zhuo Wenjun”. Obviously, the wooden Wesley could not meet Austin’s requirements, he was always so formal, stepping on Austin when dancing, making a fool of himself when playing ball, and even proposing marriage looked coy, the only thing he could say was his considerable income and the heir to his aunt’s fortune. In the market economy, it is said from time to time that “the literati are always noble”, noble not only in terms of people and things, but also for their own excessive perfection. In front of property and love, Austin still prefers the latter, and in the battle between emotion and reason, reason loses to emotion.And in her feelings for Tom, Austen does not have the happy ending of Elizabeth and Darcy, for the consideration of Tom’s reputation, Austen finally chose to let go. I even secretly used the ending of “Dreams from the Bridge” to design “Becoming Jane”, the white-haired Jane looked at the book written on her own prototype, thinking of that person, those things, did not cry, but the silent inner turmoil …… but the film is very straightforward to arrange a meeting between the two, when it was learned that Tom for his eldest daughter named “Tom”. When we learned that Tom named his eldest daughter “Jane”, we know that Austin never regressed to the lack of love marriage.Because of persistence and faith, Austen preferred to be single rather than bowing to the world, fearing that one moment she would be married to the right man, and the next she would meet the right man, and so she waited and waited and waited and became a “leftover woman.Emotion and reasonEmotion and reason, translated into the vernacular is “true love and money” battle is not only the unique product of the era, you can see such people everywhere around you, some are still loyal to their feelings, I will not rest until I find the person I love; and more are inclined to money, as Austin’s mother said “As Austen’s mother said, “Love is the best thing that can happen to you, but money, cloth, beans and corn are indispensable”.Because of this, the opening paragraph of Pride and Prejudice, “It has become an accepted truth that every rich bachelor always wants to marry a wife. Whenever such a bachelor moves to a new place, the neighbors do not know his temperament and opinions at all, but since such a truth has long been ingrained in people’s minds, they always regard him as a property to which one of their daughters is entitled” is also used in the end of “Becoming Jane”. When I was a child, I thought it was ridiculous at first glance: “Isn’t love free and long live love? In fact, this is an unbreakable truth that has been true for thousands of years, and Austen concluded 190 years ago.What a woman wants to marry is not only a man, but also his property, his career, the sum of all his social relations, and the “right family” is an enduring criterion. Because of these, love is never just a personal matter, about both parents, both social relations.There are always boys who lament that it is not easy to be a man and want to find a good condition, the most basic requirements of the other party is amazingly consistent: a car and a house. Therefore, many boys have figured out that it is better to find a good country girl to get married and forget about it, people have nothing to ask of you, but also from time to time with the eyes of worship worship you, not only no pressure, but also to meet the macho vanity. What about the girl? Not her own willingness to become utilitarian and materialistic, it is the environment to create people. I used to helplessly tell those desperate guys, middle class girls don’t find! The details: lower middle class girls, as they say, naive will only worship you and will not have requirements for you; upper middle class girls can feed themselves, naturally your material requirements will be much smaller; only the middle class girls from childhood to well-off, material life is very good, the desire to follow the rise year by year, she is looking forward to more affluent and even more profligate paper and gold, at least not worse than now, right? So do this kind of girl’s other half, the pressure can be imagined.In turn, these girls are the most anxious group, but also the most likely to fall into the category of “leftover women”. While they are faithful to love, they can’t afford to treat themselves in a materialistic way, as poor couples are always sad.So I have been sighing at the title of the film “Becoming Jane”, and I take it for granted that the screenwriter has seen the reality of materialism and utilitarianism, so he uses such a suggestive literary film to educate people. It’s sad that people who have been educated to the test always like to press a certain definition to one thing. Anyway, this is the title of the film I like, if I could, I want to be Jane, her noble, sincere, passionate, unmoved; her sanity, her faith, her decision for her life. I love her attitude towards true love: true love is never forced by time, money, system or class, let alone life.

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