The Theory of Everything:Stephen Hawking’s brief history of love. a metaphor about peas and potatoes

I thought this was a biographical film with elements of love, but in fact it is a biographical shell of a romantic film, young Stephen Hawking and Jane in love, but Hawking was found to be suffering from motor neuron disease and was told that only two years of life, Jane is still righteous and Hawking married, hoping to grow old with him. We may be curious about Hawking’s sexuality and how her wife can tolerate a lover who can only move his fingers in this regard. The wonderful thing is that these ordinary stories will not let you have the feeling of “great men are just ordinary men” in previous biopics, on the contrary, the audience feels the extraordinary personality of Hawking and his wife, making this emotion from the marriage part to a more profound level.

When Hawking and Jane met, they embodied the difference between the two people’s worlds. At the party, Jane’s friend flirted with the science student, indicating that Jane’s circle rarely came into contact with people like Hawking, and because of this, the two were mutually attracted to each other because of the mystery of being different. Hawking is a physicist, in his own words, “an intelligent atheist”, Jane believes in the Church of England and her specialty is medieval poetry of the Ilia Peninsula, Jane is a guest at Hawking’s home, Hawking’s father asks Jane what painter she likes, Jane answers Turner, Hawking’s father says his paintings look like they have been drenched with fish. All kinds of episodes show that Hawking and even his family are rational people, while Jane is a sensual person, Hawking never dances, Jane is eager to dance, but for Hawking also pretended not to love dancing, well, Hawking still took a step for the girl, until Hawking was diagnosed with a disease or even pronounced a death sentence, Jane is also willing to be with Hawking. The theory of everything in this scene refers to the opposites attract in love, which can bring two completely different people together and make a huge commitment, but many times the differences are the glue when it comes to loving each other, and can become a hidden problem in marriage.Stepping into married life, Hawking’s scholarship won the world’s praise, but his health got worse and worse, even losing the ability to walk and pick up a spoon to eat. Hawking suffers the double pain of not being able to embrace his lover’s anxiety, and not even being able to express that anxiety. Jane’s entire life is taken up with caring for Hawking, and she loses her own life, and they have more and more children, showing on the one hand that Hawking’s sexuality is not in question, and on the other hand that they have to fill the gap in their emotional life through their children.Jane, facing the handsome teacher of the choir, helps the inability to express Hawking elaborates a metaphor of peas and potatoes. There are two sets of laws in physics that explain this universe, the general theory of relativity that controls the macrocosm and the quantum theory of the world of microscopic particles, a potato and a pea, the weird thing is that the two theories do not follow the same law, as Jane says, if the world were all potatoes it would be much simpler. This metaphor is also the core of the film, Hawking’s life in reconciling the contradictions of general relativity and quantum mechanics, to find a large theory that can explain the entire universe, the so-called macroscopic potatoes, Jane has also been trying to find a balance between his and Hawking’s two different lives in marriage, that is, the microscopic peas, Hawking and Jane’s two sets of beliefs symbiotic and confrontational, when Hawking confirmed that the universe has no boundaries, Jane is not happy at all, because Hawking’s every revelation is the same. For each of Hawking’s revelations meant a move further and further away from Jane’s belief in God, and he stripped away the mystery of the universe while depleting what little mystery was left of the two people who spent time together.Stephen Hawking tells us in A Brief History of Time that the universe exploded from a singularity of infinite density and mass and infinitely small volume, giving birth to time and space, coalescing into stars under the action of gravity, and the energy of the star’s core resists gravity to sustain the life of the star until one day when the star runs out of energy and cannot resist gravity, the star will collapse inward and become a singularity to become a black hole until it disappears. If the star is very massive, it will explode into a super planet, and the dust of the super planet becomes the material for creating the planet. However, in a microscopic sense, our life is not the same, from nothing to something, in the gravitational force of love, Jane, a remarkable woman has been using their own stoic energy to resist the gravitational force of life, but one day, love will run out, love will also dissipate, and one day, life will also disappear. “Who are we? Why are we here, and if we figure this out, it will be the ultimate triumph of human reason, and then we will know what God really thinks.” This question from Hawking was a relief to Jane, who thought that Hawking was finally getting close to God, but unfortunately it was just a metaphor out of respect.Hawking’s life is full of drama and the least dramatic, such a person who has maintained a posture for most of his life, with the universe in his head at all times, the film is least likely to show his sense of life stumbling and inner complexity, so some people say the characterization of this film is flat, which is the most irresponsible comment I’ve ever heard. This is a film driven by emotion, not warm narrative under the two protagonists are hidden strong character temperament. Hawking is shaped on the one hand by the side of the role of Jane, in Hawking’s desperate time, is Jane let him regain confidence, in the moment of crisis on the hospital bed by Jane’s bold decision; then is the role of Hawking Eddie Redmayne, once you forget the existence of the actor, believe that this is Hawking himself, the face of the spasm that desperately wants to express the empathy of people. Eddie from a whole body are not allowed to have “drama” of the body, do not move to show a wealth of emotions, is completely resistant to “gravitational collapse” like performance, will certainly win the Oscar.

Hawking is like Prometheus who stole the fire, God was afraid he would get the truth so he punished him, but this did not limit Hawking, because in Hawking’s world time and space are not sequential, as the end of the film, Hawking and Jane back to the original good. In reality, Hawking and Jane are still friends, and even Jane acted as the screenwriter of the film, their love became a cross-dimensional emotion. Everything comes around again and again, the extinction of stars gives birth to new stars and planets, Hawking and Jane look at their grown-up children, and he laments, look at all that we have created.The film dissolves the concept of the theory of everything into the ordinary subtleties and disillusionments of life, with the grand and trivial themes mapped onto each other.UpdateFortunately, in his later years, Hawking and his second wife divorced and reunited with Jane Wilder, and they enjoyed a happy life together with their children. Ultimately, Hawking went away on the day of Einstein’s birth. His life was like a great parable, in which he bridged reason and emotion in life, and transcended time and space in intellect. Although he said that miracles and science cannot coexist, he may have forgotten that he himself was a miracle and a science.

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